Saturday, 31 December 2011

Christmas Greetings!

2011-12-24 – Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is here and we are going to head out this afternoon to look for WI-FI so that I can talk to my parents. Oh how I miss them. I try to be brave so as not to make everyone around me feel bad. I am having a wonderful time and I am so glad that we are here…it’s just this is only my second time away from my family for Christmas and the first time was two years ago and we were only gone for five days. We did the 23rd with them then back for the new year. I won’t see them again this year. Wow. That sounds depressing. But things are going well.

We drove to Adare today and visited a beautiful Catholic Cathedral. It was all decorated for Christmas services and it was beautiful. We walked through it, I sent a prayer up for my family and friends and sucked back the tears for the umpteenth time. We then went to Limerick and found free WI-FI so that I could send a Christmas message to my parents. I didn’t get a chance to talk to them but I made peace with it and was okay.
It was dark on the way back and as we drove through the countryside we looked in the windows of the houses and there would be candles in every window of pretty much every house. When you looked out into the valleys or up into the hills it was the same. I don’t remember the full tradition of that but I think it has something to do with the travellers being able to see which houses were available to stay in for a Christmas drink…or something like that, I’ll need to research that and look into it a little better. It was the neatest when we got home and our driveway is down quite the hill and we can see for miles up and we looked out and all you could see where bright lights throughout the hills…it was very warming and nice.

Then we had a wonderful Christmas Eve Dinner of Ham and Scallop Potatoes, cleaned up, made up a tray of desserts then we a snuggled in front of a roaring fire and watched “A White Christmas”. It was truly a wonderful Christmas Eve. 

2011-12-25 – Christmas Day

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I hope everyone has had a truly wonderful day celebrating the birth of our Saviour with family and friends. Our thoughts were with you all day and into the night.
We had a glorious day! We woke up and had coffee and pastries then opened our presents! I was so spoiled!! I got a book, two DVD’s (The Secret Garden and Black Beauty), a day planner, address book, socks, a t-shirt, Starbucks Christmas Blend, a puzzle book, some Body Works bath stuff, slippers, Christmas PJ’s and assorted chocolates. I love all that I got but I am enjoying my fuzzy slippers and Christmas Jammies the most.

After presents we had the traditional Gale Christmas Brunch; it is usually Waffles but we didn’t have a waffle iron so we had French toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit salad, Buck Fizz, and more coffee. After that Mr. Turkey went into the oven and we all snuggled down and read, watched movies, ate food, had naps all while staying in our pyjamas all day! Dinner was amazing and so filling, my favourite part was being able to stay in my PJ’s during it! I kinda missed dressing up for Christmas…but at the same time…I didn’t! We ended the evening by watching “The Kingdom” and “Furry Vengeance”. Don’t ever bother watching the second one. All in all a very fun and memorable Christmas.

On another note, I loved celebrating Christmas over here. Ireland and England. After Christmas people didn't take down everything and turn off the Christmas music. They don't until Epiphany (I asked). What is so awesome about that is that tradition wise Christmas is supposed to continue until the 6th of January. So, this year, do something different. Keep your tree up, keep eating, keep celebrating the birth of our Lord...way past the 6th of January.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us to you. :)

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Sunday Morning Musings

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation.” – Psalm 68:19

Donovan and I have been reading a Psalm every morning for a couple of months now. Naturally we have missed the odd morning, but for the most part we have stuck with it. Sometimes I read it and when finished we just go on with our morning…but sometimes we talk about which verse sticks out the most to us. This morning my back is not doing so well so we decided that maybe going to church and sitting on rock hard pews wouldn’t be a good idea, so we read our Psalm, talked about it, meditated on it and listened to music.

As I read Psalm 68 this morning verse 19 really stuck out to me. As most of you know I have been struggling with keeping up with my daily Bible studies. I want to read my Bible every day; I want to grow closer to God; I just can’t seem to find the inner strength do to it. Of course, on the days that I delve in and study His Word, listen to Worship Music, sing at the top of my lungs, let the words penetrate my heart, those are the good days. In verse 19 it says “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation.” The emphasis on the word “who” was interesting to me. You’d think that the emphasis would be on “is” but it isn’t. The Psalmist wants us to focus on The One who bears our burden, The One who is with us no matter what, The One who carries us when we are down, and The One who is always by our side waiting for us to turn to Him. The One who is our salvation. No matter what I want to Bless my Lord and Saviour who is my salvation.

I find that sometimes we set goals for ourselves that we somewhere inside of us we know we will never be able to reach them; maybe one day but not on the day that we make them. (Or, at least I do.) So I have decided to make smaller goals and build from there. My goal for the next couple of weeks is to spend 5 minutes a day praising God; blessing His name, lifting Him up, thanking him for all that He does for me. I used to do that all the time, but I haven’t in a long time so now, it’s back to basics. Please pray that I am able to do this and in doing this grow closer to my heavenly Father and become strong in Him once again.

Blessed Sunday everyone and Happy 1st Sunday in Advent!!! Bring on the Christmas Music!!!!!!!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

The coming together of life.

This week I got to socialize with people again. Besides the odd “hiya, you alright?” between the odd person on the street we haven’t had much contact with the outside world in the last year. Last Saturday we went to a workshop at our church. “Going Deeper into the Psalms” and we talked to our Rector and he asked me what kinds of things I liked doing and if I was looking for volunteer work. I told him I was and he said he would introduce me to a few people on Sunday. During the announcements they mentioned that they needed volunteers to work at a Warehouse for three weeks processing boxes for Operation Christmas Child. I talked to the lady in charge, got very few details but was told to be there for 11. I didn’t go on Monday. Doreen (the lady in charge) called me Monday afternoon and asked if I was still interested. I told her I was and she said that people in the congregation would be willing to drive me if I wanted. So I went Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. It was so much fun!!! I have been coming home utterly exhausted, but it is a good exhausted. I feel like I am doing things and that I am being useful again.

I love that I can walk into the warehouse and people greet me by name and I return their greetings and it is wonderful.  And in these three days of working there I have joined a choir! Practice is Thursday nights and I don’t have to perform if I don’t want to. I can just come and sing! Apparently there are a few younger people so that would be good. I do not mind being around older people. It’s quite nice actually.
On Wednesday’s and Saturday’s our church has a Drop-In-Café for lunch. I went on Wednesday to help out and that was also great fun. I take their orders and bring them their food and smile prettily. Kids are still freaked out by accent, but I think eventually they will get used to it.

So, with all of this socializing I am feeling so much better about life and things. Now I just need to start working out a bit more and my goals will be falling into place!

Other than that not a whole lot is new! For the Fall Half-term break Donovan’s parents were here and we went down to the Southwest of England. Mainly the Somerset and Devon areas, but that didn’t stop us from driving all over the place. Every day was non-stop driving and sight-seeing. We saw three Cathedrals, thirteen Castles, two Palaces, two Stone Circles, lots of churches, one ocean…and lots of other things. It was great fun and I still can’t believe that I saw all of those things in a week!

Donovan is doing well, he is fighting a cold but I think he is winning! He has about 40 hours of marking to do this weekend, but things are doing well, he is enjoying working at the school and is making a good friend in the other male history teacher David. He is actually coming over for supper on Wednesday! (Apparently he likes my cookies.)

Things to look forward to in the future: My Birthday in London J and Christmas in Ireland or Scotland.

Many blessings on your weekend and I hope it is fantabulous!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


I have been very spoiled when it comes to my hairdressers. My first hairdresser was also my babysitter. She cut my hair from before she was cutting hair till I moved to Spruce Grove. She knew me. I would ask for something new, she'd look at me and say "" and talk me out of it because she knew I wouldn't do it. I like having natural curly hair, even though I complain non-stop about it, I like it. I like being able to wet it scrunch with mousse and go about my day. Then when I feel like it I know I could straighten it, curl it, or put it up. It's perfect. Then my second was fate that we would meet. I needed a haircut, I had gone through a bad couple of years of hair, terrible cuts where they would hack at my hair with razors and dye it blond and I see her in the Starbucks drive-thru...she had beautiful long curly hair and on a whim I ask her "Where do you get your hair-cut? I am new to the area and I need someone who knows how to cut natural curly hair" and it turns out that she is a stylist and she knows how to cut hair and she comes back with a card, I made and appointment and it was love at first haircut! She knows what colours I like and what styles I like and she also talks me out of silly ideas! (Like growing out my hair "shudders")

When I had to look for someone in Northampton, I waited until I couldn't wait any longer and I was spoiled once again. He cut my hair very nicely, he did use a razor....but he didn't hack at my head with it, so I let it go. I liked my cuts, it was all very good. But now, the time has come once again to find a new hairdresser. So, this morning I put on my shoes and my coat and out I went. I went into this place that I had seen the other day on a walk and it seemed nice so I went in...tentatively. I have an appointment on Friday at 10:00am. I am also getting my hair dyed...too many greys are peeping through.

I realize that next to other great calamities in the world this is EXTREMELY if you all scoff and think to yourself "Beth, get over it." I will not be offended. ;)

Hopefully I am able to explain what I want (which is something I am terrible at) and that she understands what I want and it goes well...and no hacking with razors occur.

Oh I also hope that Donovan doesn't faint when he sees the price list....... :)

Monday, 10 October 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Today is Thanksgiving day and instead of eating Turkey until I am too stuffed to think; I am sitting in my very clutered living room listening to the workmen fix my bathroom!! (Yipee!)

Saturday was a wonderful day. Donovan and I headed into Bedford around 11 and shopped. He bought some new shoes, shirts and ties. I bought a few new shirts, jumpers, and trousers. (I'm trying to say the proper British words). AND! I bought a beautiful new purse. It is so purty...I love it. We also got a coffee grinder so we can finally grind the coffee that friends have been sending us in packages! We ground some this morning and it was yummy. All in all it was a wonderful day...exactly what we both needed. It got us out of the house and doing things other then sitting in our flat watching TV.

Coming back to the Thanksgiving church back home had this challenge a couple of weeks ago to post something once a day on Facebook that you are thankful for...I decided to also do this challenge and I did for a few days, but unfortunately I stopped. I have been having a really hard time being thankful. I miss my family terribly and September/October are bad months for missing friends and families nephew, brother, niece and three friends to be specific. I also get so bored sitting in the flat every day. I was really excited about the job I had applied for...and on in the Saturday mail was a letter saying I didn't get it...rather disappointed. But, I am trying to have a good attitude about it. God has something better planned for me and something amazing in store for me and I need to hold on to that and believe it. Also on top of not having the best thankful attitude I have not been sleeping so I wake up ready to kill every morning. The alarm goes off and I have already been awake for hours...This morning I pretty much had to keep myself from talking to Donovan because I was ready to bite his head off at every corner. What makes me the most frustrated about this new me that is it isn't me. I am not a grumpy grump. I am the half full girl...I am the sunshine and rainbow girl, the girl who annoys all of my friends and family with the positive side of things. And I am turning into Eeyore!! I like Eeyore...but I am not him. I'm Tigger! So, I request some prayers that I get off my butt and start working on these areas of my life that I'm not happy with. That I start working on my heart, soul and body. That I stop watching 6 hours of TV a day and get outside and meet people. I know that I am never going to be happy continuing on as I have been. I need to turn my worries, fears, and grumps over to God. I need to rejoice that I am alive, healthy, and so very blessed.

So, this was a bit of a vent blog...but being honest is the first step.

Oh, and I was totally going to post a pic of my new purse...but my computer doesn't want to load my pictures off of my camera for some stupid reason known only to it. Maybe another time.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Life in England

Well, I took the jump. I applied for a job. It is a TA position at St. Swithins Lower School. (In Bedfordshire they still do Lower, Middle, and Upper). The job closed last Friday, the day I applied, and it is now Tuesday and I haven’t heard anything. Which at this point I know is nothing. They have to call all of the references on everyone’s application and set up interviews and everything…I probably won’t hear anything till at least Thursday if not later. The position is in Nursery 0-5 year olds…I’m sure I will have some great stories to share with you all about them. Especially since when I talk to kids their mouths hang open and they stare and their moms apologetically say “It’s your accent” I just smile and tell them its okay and that I understand.  The job is only two days a week…Thursdays and Fridays…which would be perfect! It still gives me the rest of the week to do things around the house, maybe volunteer somewhere, teach piano if I want to. Plus it pays fairly well.

In other news Donovan and I were asked to be a part of the St. Swithins Choir! (The church we go to) On Sunday I started talking to a lady and found out that she was the organist and leader of the choir and she asked if I sang and when I said that I did she jumped all over that. I am still thinking about it but I think it could be a lot of fun. Everyone in the choir is over 50 I’m sure (and that is being generous) but such awesome people. We are really being welcomed and we feel a part of the church family already. Not a whole lot of young people, but I think we’ll find people eventually. Even just getting out and talking to anybody is good!

I am so ridiculously homesick! I don’t know if it is a good thing that UK doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving or a bad thing. On one hand we won’t have to drive around and try to make our usual 3 or 4 dinners and weigh an extra 10lbs…but on the other I miss my family so much. I’m doing okay though…looking forward to visiting whenever we actually get around to it. We do have a visit to look forward to though…Donovan’s parents are visiting us during his October break!  I believe a trip to Wales is planned and of course we have to go to London (this will be trip #5 for me) and who knows where else!

For those of you who have been asking about the mold situation. Our landlady came last Monday to take a look at it and she gave the go ahead to have the work done…but I haven’t heard anything yet and it has been a week…so hopefully soon. And…our new mattress gets delivered next Monday!!!!! I so can’t wait to get out of my Living Room and to have things looking normal again…well, never mind again…just looking normal.

Well, that’s about it. We have had an extended Fall…for the last 8 days we had temperatures of 25-30 degrees and full sun…until today. It was 19, breezy and overcast…perfect in my books!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Romantic Notions Squashed

Do you remember when you were children and sometimes on the weekend your parents would let you build a fort and sleep in it? Sometimes in your bedroom, sometimes in the living room. I have many good memories based around sleeping in forts. My little brother like sabotaging it and then blaming it on our arthritic dog who couldn't make it up the stairs if it was the last thing he did. "Shep did it" is still an excuse that is brought up every once and awhile in our family. I also wondered as a child why we weren't allowed to do that every weekend. Why did Dad only mention it like once every six months and why did Mama never want to sleep with us? I am now almost 26 and I finally get it! Sleeping on the floor is not all that romantic! Beds were made for a reason.

When we looked at this place and found out that it was furnished I was so stoked! A bed frame! I was a little disappointed to discover that every time you move, even the tiniest bit, it squeaked. So, last Saturday Donovan decided to tighten it he took the mattresses off and proceeded to work on it. About an hour later he comes to me and asks me to look at the mattress (The landlady left one mattress here and we bought one) I was very saddened to discover that the entire bottom of the mattress is covered in mold. I was thoroughly grossed out and insisted that I was never sleeping on that again. So, we have been camping out in the living room. Our very tiny living room. We are finally getting rid of the mattress today, so now I just have to start looking into getting a new one and if someone can deliver it.

Another romantic notion that I have always found and was always so excited for was church bells. I love church bells! The first time we heard them being over here was in Stratford-Upon-Avon and it was a foggy winter morning and we were looking over the river Avon and it was so beautiful and the bells rang. It was so perfect and extremely beautiful. Other times have just been so beautiful. Now, before you hear my rant to come....remember, I still love church bells, there is something haunting about them and so beautiful. Now, that saying...I do not like church bells when they are being practiced. Especially at night. Last night around 7:30 the bells started...I looked at Donovan and asked "Is there a fire?" "No" Donovan replied "I think the Vikings are invading." After about 1/2 an hour of  ringing and all sorts of rings, I decided that it was probably someone just practicing. At 9:15 and we were getting ready to go to sleep...I decided I didn't like them anymore.

I still love bells...just not late at night and constantly ringing. I kept waking up thinking I heard the bells. I have bells stuck in my head all the time. I feel like Kirk in Gilmore Girls "I can't tell which are the real bells and which are the Kirk bells."

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Life is normal once again...

It has been three weeks since my family has left and I can finally look at the pictures and look back on the visit without breaking into tears.  It was a wonderful visit. Movies, shopping trips, snuggle times, good talks, long walks; having other people clean my house…it was great! I am still going through pictures and have a few left to put up on Facebook but I’ll get to that eventually.  

In other news we are officially moved into our new flat! We moved the weekend of August 26th. It took five trips in total. Two on Friday, two on Sunday, and then one on the Monday we went in spent the night because we had to drop the car off on the Tuesday in Northampton.  Our new flat is very tiny compared to our other place. You could probably fit this entire flat in the two bedrooms of our other place! We really like it though. We did discover a leak in the pipes behind the toilet and then when that was fixed last Saturday the worker discovered lots of mold behind the wall and under the floor. He was going to tell the agency but now Donovan is starting get a bad cough that apparently he only has first thing in the morning and then again in the evening, while he is at school or if we are out and about he is not having any problems.  So, we are going to go talk to the landlord on the weekend. The agency actually, our new landlord lives elsewhere so we deal directly with the letting agency, but so far they are great. Way better then the last agency.  So other than that, things are getting back to normal!

I have actually been looking for a job! Or volunteer work, or pretty much anything that keeps me busy as I am going crazy with boredom once again. The main problem is that Sandy is a much smaller community and there really aren’t that many opportunities! I am keeping my eyes open and praying that I find something soon. In the meantime I am trying to give myself a project of some kind to keep me busy. My mom bought me some more cross-stitching projects while she was here…they are a huge jump up from the ones that I made my mom and Donovan’s mom for Mother’s Day. But I am handling it. I just made a huge mistake and didn’t really feel like unstitching it all so I get frusterated easily because it is all out of sync with the rest of it. I skipped a row somewhere and I can’t figure out where…and short of taking apart the entire thing…which I am not doing…there is nothing to do but keep going. I shall post a picture when it is done. :)

Donovan is loving the new school. He is teaching mainly History but some English as well. He has 16 classes in total but some of those are repeats. He teaches five different year 12 classes…so, today he gets to teach three of those five all about the Russians, and the other two tomorrow! He’ll be good at that class when he is done! He is already making some good connections with fellow teachers and we both believe that it is going to be a good year.

We also went to church on Sunday! We have three churches to choose from in Sandy. A Methodist, a Baptist, and St. Swithins (Church of England). We went to St. Swithins. We are pretty sure that no matter which one we choose, it is going to be roughly the same no matter what. It was nice to be worshipping with fellow people. We didn’t stick around last week, we are going to go a few times and work up the courage to talk to someone. It’s been awhile…so this might take some time.

Well, that’s all I have for now! Now that things are getting back to normal hopefully I will remember to blog more frequently.

Friday, 19 August 2011

I have started writing a new blog post like 3 times....I can't get past the first sentence.

I had such a wonderful time with my family. We packed in so much!!! I have many many pictures and lots of stories to tell. I did not like saying goodbye but I know that this year is going to be a good one. Donovan and I are growing so much as individuals and as a couple. Donovan is really looking forward to the next year of teaching and I am looking forward to getting a job and hopefully making friends.

Eating the best Fish & Chips in England in Keswick.

We are moving in one week so we are super busy cleaning and packing. But, once we are settled I will write a longer blog post then.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Well, they are here! Words can't explain just how happy I am that they are here or what I felt when they came through those doors at the bus station. I am going to take you back to yesterday morning so that you can re-live it with me.

Yesterday morning Donovan woke up at 4:30am and went off to go meet Mama and Ruth at the airport and I attempted to go back to sleep; It didn't work. I had a shower, smoothed the wrinkles off the bed, vacuumed, cleaned everything there was to clean...twice! Then it was time! I donned my shoes and jacket, grabbed my umbrella and bus ticket and off I went. As I rode the bus I had the biggest smile of my face as we got closer and closer to the bus station. Then, I get off the bus and I start looking everywhere for them! I can't see them, and as I wasn't sure which bus they were on I sat in the middle of the station and I looked both ways...then I heard one of the doors open and I look and I saw Donovan. I smiled a huge smile and started walking and trying oh so hard not to run, but then my beautiful sister walked through the door and there was nothing I could do to stop myself from running! I hugged her long and hard and then my mom. Tears came to my eyes as I couldn't believe that they were actually there. I feel like I am living a dream. We came home, had some lunch then I allowed my mom to have a nap and Ruth was tired as well but wanted to watch Gilmore Girls, so we did...or should I say, Donovan and I did...Ruth was asleep within minutes! Then we went for a walk to get some groceries, came home played some Uno, had supper then they went to bed!

This morning I sent Donovan off then I chilled with Mama for a little while then she went back to bed. I am about to go wake her up though if our noisy neighbourhood doesn't do it for me! I am ridiculously happy right now. At different moments I just want to cry because of how happy I am! They are here! It has been a very hard six months but now I have my mommy and my sister for some cuddles and a wonderful visit!

The plan for this week is to stay close to home so that they can fight the jet lag and Donovan works this week. So, we will go for walks, go into town, do some shopping, maybe go to the Art Gallery here in town. On Friday we are doing a London Day! See the sights and take many many pictures! I will be posting pictures as I have them so keep an eye out on my Facebook page!!
                                                                 My weary travelers!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Unicorns and Rainbows

I promised you all Unicorns and here you go!  I actually really like this picture! I should mention that this was my sister-in-law Sarah's idea...she suggested that I put up a picture of a unicorn with a rainbow...and let me tell you that google images comes up with some very weird pictures when you type in "Unicorns and Rainbows" Yup...very strange indeed. :D

My mom and sister show up on Sunday! I am beyond excited! The house is clean and all I have left to do is make up their bed (which I need Donovan's help I have to wait) and on Saturday we have to get some groceries and I'll need to vacuum. But other then that I am so ready!!! They are bringing with them lots of treats and goodies that we are missing along with our summer wardrobe! So ready for that. We are going to do many things, lots of day-trips to be planned. Mama is going to Bristol/Bath to visit a friend for 4 days and during that time we are going to London to visit some friends of Donovan's that will be in London for the same 4 days! Ruth will have to tag along...poor her. Something tells me she'll survive. Then Dad arrives August 5th and we leave 2 days later to the Lake District and we will be there for 8 days! We will be visiting Hadrian's Wall, Scotland, Pemberly, and many other wonderful sights!

In other news Donovan has been really enjoying his commute...but really glad that it is only for a season as we are starting to really not enjoy waking up at 4:50am. Somebody (me) is really grumpy that early in the morning. Even though I am waking up voluntarily to make his breakfast for him and I am happy to do it...I am just done with waking up that early. He has worked 4/4 so far this week! Hopefully he works tomorrow as well...then next week his paycheck will be so very pretty! JSA (the company that handles payroll) has been really dumb the last couple dumb that he was only payed 61 pounds last week (when he should have gotten 360) and we couldn't pay rent. Our landlord is the greatest though and said we could pay tomorrow. So, we are praying that they pay us...we should be getting close to 800 pounds. So, they better pay up or we will not be very happy with them.

I have been doing quite well with keeping the house clean. We had a viewing of the flat on Tuesday so that helps. I have gotten into a nice routine of cleaning the bedroom/bathroom as I get ready in the morning and then I move into the kitchen and get it all tidy. I didn't do the dishes this morning, but mainly because there wasn't enough for me to justify filling the sink up for. I did them after lunch though!

Exercising hasn't been happening because I have had a cold the last week and a half or so...but I am doing better so I really should just get my butt outside and go. I was doing my yoga but I am going strictly by memory and I couldn't remember all I was supposed to do and I did one move wrong and now, my back Sarah (My AWESOME sister in-law and old yoga partner) was going to help me...but today was Skype date two to "do yoga" and we didn't do any. :) We meant to...if that helps. There are still some stretches I can do that I remember and I have been doing those.

Eating healthy...well, when you are on a strict budget like we have been's really hard to eat healthy, but I've been trying!

Spiritually...Well, I've been listening to worship music a lot more then I was. It helps that my mom bought me a new Bible (I packed mine...hehe ooops!) And we just have Donovan's and I like to write and highlight and he doesn' it's been difficult to share. So that will help things. God is still working new and wonderful things in us and we are growing in many ways and I am thankful for all that he is teaching us. Even when it hurts. Last week when we had to ask our landlord for a week's grace and Donovan came back from asking and he said yes and everything I burst into tears and said "I'm done with being an adult! Fun's over I just want to be a little girl again!" Yeah, that's not going to happen. :)

I hope to blog while my family is here, but I do want to enjoy every second they are here. Talk to you all soon....maybe :)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Alrighty, so I don't really like ranting on this blog...I have started many but usually by the time I have it all written out I'm good and I write something different! But today I am breaking my rule.

I have mentioned our Vietnamese neighbours who like staying up till 2am while their two year old screams and their teenage son blares techno or rock music all while they argue with each other in Vietnamese. For the past month they have actually been quiet! We haven't heard much. Now. We have neighbours on the other side as well...and since we have moved here we haven't heard much from them. Two couples and 2 children. The most we hear is their strange elevator music. But lately they have decided to go for walks at 2am and talk VERY loudly, or clean their car out at 9:30pm all while their children run around on the sidewalk and then they just hang out on the sidewalk for another half hour. While they have very strange East Indian music playing.

I realize that we go to bed really early (between 9 and 9:30pm) but I was raised with the cardinal rule "After 9pm you should be respectful of other people." Especially if you see a window open and you live on a very public street.

ALSO! Motorcycles and all loud cars with music playing should be banned after 10pm!!!!

Alright. Rant over. Next blog will be about unicorns and rainbows. :)

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Oh England...

Well, much has happened in the last little while! Donovan got a job for next year, which is fantastic, and on Tuesday of this week he got a call from our agent and he got work for Donovan for the rest of year! True, Donovan has to commute to London everyday (which is slighty insane) but, it doesn't matter! Because, God is providing for us like we knew he would and all we can do is be greatful and uber thankful!!!!

In other news, my mother panicked when she heard that Air Transat flight attendents might be going on strike so she moved her and my sisters dates to come over so they are coming July 16th-August 18th with my Dad joining us on July 5th. I am so incredibly excited and I just can't wait!!!! We will be going to the Lake District for a week and along with that we will be seeing many wonderful things!!

Yesterday I had a nice long chat with my wonderful sister-in-law Sarah and we were chatting about how hard it is not to procrastinate about the things you know you have to do but you really don't want to do. Like housework, excersising, eating healthy, devotions. Those four things are things I know I need to do everyday but I always try to put it off with procrastination! So, I have been trying really hard lately not to procrastinate the last couple of weeks. It is really hard but I just pray and push through.

When we first got here and Donovan worked every day we got up together, ate breakfast together, did a devotion together, then he would leave I would get dressed, tidy up Breakfast dishes do a devotion then either read or stretch or go for a walk or sometimes watch something but now that is all we do! Watch TV. Somedays I just want to delete all movies we have on the laptop. Yesterday when Donovan left I ended up going back to bed and didn't get a whole lot done. Two loads of laundry and one load of dishes and of course, supper.

This morning was a different story and I want every day to be like this! I felt like I was ready to conquer the world. I woke up with Donovan, ate breakfast, he left I did some computer things and around 6am I put on some music did yoga, ballet, and some weights, then I went for a nice brisk walk was done at 7:30am had a shower, then I moved the laptop to the bedroom and put away all of those clothes that I hate putting away, did another load of laundry, made the bed and the bedroom was clean! After that was done I did a hour of reading my Bible, praying and meditating. It has been a good day. So, now it is 4:18pm and I am off to finish up the dishes and plan supper. I ask for prayers as I try to stick to my routine and my goals that I set for myself. It can be so hard to break old habits and that is what I am attempting to do. :)

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Praise the Lord!

Well, things are slowly progressing and prayers are being answered and life is coming together! On Monday (June 13) Donovan had to go down to Maidstone, Kent for 2 interviews, he left at 5:30am and didn't get home until 9:30pm. Then on Tuesday (June 14) he had to go to Sandy, Bedfordshire for 8:30am which meant that he to be up at 3:30am because he had to walk to the train station because no buses run until 5:45ish. He got home at 2:45pm and told me that the interview went very well and that they offered him the job on the spot and he accepted it! So, we will be moving to Sandy, Bedfordshire (or area) at the end of August! Donovan will be teaching History and English to mainly year 9 and 10's and maybe some 11's. He is very excited to be able to have his own classroom and he is already full of idea's on how to set it up. The contract is for a full year but if we want to the school is willing for us to stay longer. So, we are leaving it in God's hands and His will to be done!

In other news we are both still not really working so we don't have a lot of money to get us through till September, so please pray that we will be able to find some part-time summer work. Other then this not a whole lot is going on! I will try to write a longer update in the next couple of days...but for now, this is all I've got! (It isn't even 8 in the morning yet....not quite alive, and with no coffee in my system yet.) Must get coffee then I will write more!

Monday, 16 May 2011

Rain, rain, go away!

I am finally getting a taste of what the weather is really like here in England! It did not rain that much during the winter which was very unusual, that is what we were told anyways. Then in March, April and the beginning of May we were having 7- 9 days straight of 25 degree's sun, no wind, no rain, no clouds. Now, we are on week two of drearyness. I want sunshine again please. I liked it. I won't complain if I am warm...I'll enjoy it! I don't want to wear a coat outside anymore! I want to wear the shorts I bought!! Anyways, I'm done complaining about that. The nice thing is, it isn't too cold. Humid and rainy. My hair loves it. :P

In other news. Donovan did not get the job that he applied for, apparently they were interviewing him for second in the department (and did not tell him) so, he went in thinking he was interviewing for a normal position. So, we weren't disappointed. He is substituting today, which I know he is very greatful for! He has interviews next month for jobs for September. Some of them are for around here and others are for elsewhere in the UK. On the job front for me, I have to get some paperwork filled out for working at schools and the Starbucks has finally opened here in Northampton so I will be applying there. The awesome part about that is a drive-thru store and only the 6th drive-thru in the UK so I am pretty sure they will hire me when they find out I have expierence. That is what I hope for anyways.

I am sure I have more I could write, but I have been working on this since about 9 this morning and it is now 2:30. So, time to be done and I will post another update in the near future!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Life instead of Death

Most people know me as a very positive enthusiastic person who embraces life. Lately I have been letting the cloud of homesickness engulf me and I haven't really been that person...I miss that person. I miss being all bright and positive. On Saturday I was super hyper and I realized later when I was talking to my sister...I haven't been that happy since just after I moved here. What changed? Then, on Sunday when we finally went to church and I was listening to the sermon which was based on the reading from 1 Corinthians 15:54b, 55. "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" I realized that I had been letting death have victory over my life. I have pretty much stopped doing my morning devotions and I rarely put on worship music during the day anymore. I have been listening to lies and letting myself be depressed and negative. I have been pushing down my real feelings and not listening to the truth. Then last week I got a letter in the mail from my dear friend Katie Blum. And she told me not to be afraid to whine, complain, vent, and rant to people I trust and that got me thinking. I feel like all I have been doing is complaining...but I haven't. Not to my friends anyways. Just to myself and how healthy is that? Then last night I got terrible back spasms and this morning I am set up on the floor all drugged up and feeling horrible and realizing that this is a wake up call for me. I have so much to be thankful for! I have so much to praise God for. I need to choose life everyday and fight against the death that tries to swallow me up. I need to wake up every morning and declare life over myself, my husband and our life here. I need to tell depression to get out and be a light amongst the darkness.

I started this blog wanting to keep people up to date with our life and many times I have started to write something like this and stopped thinking "no one wants to hear this, they just want to know what we do day to do." Boring! So, starting today I am going to start afresh. I am going to stop listening to lies and listen to the truth. I am going to embrace life and love where I am! I am sure that homesickness is still going to creep in when I see pictures on my niece and nephews, when I see my friends doing fun things, when I talk to my mom. But I can choose life. So I am going to!! :)

Thank you for your prayers and little notes of encouragement. Every once in awhile I get an email or letter and it lifts me up. :) Thank you for those. I will try to send my own as well. 

Saturday, 30 April 2011

The Royal Wedding and other things...

Yesterday was the Royal Wedding. When I started telling people that we were moving to England the response was "You'll be there for the Royal Wedding" and my response was "I don't really care." But, yesterday, along with millions of people, I was sitting on the couch watching the wedding and I am glad that I did. It wasn't as exciting as it was to other people, I didn't cry, but I do have a larger respect for the happy couple. I wish them all the best and I bless them in the years to come. Donovan even watched with me! I think the best part was when the Bride's brother was doing the reading and Donovan said "They are so British!" Then he proceeded to grin.

I love that about living here. Everybody is so British! People have been telling me right from the beginning right through to yesterday that we fit in really well here. I haven't wanted to agree as of late because I am so terribly homesick and trying really hard not to be negative abou the whole situation. But, we really do suit living here. I just need to figure out how to fit in better. That includes finding a job (keep reading) and a Church home.....

The break is officially over (we are just in the middle of lots of Bank Holidays.) and Donovan still does not have a new position. He is done at Weston Favell and we are just waiting to hear from these other two schools about a job. But, since last week was a three day week and next week is a four day week I don't really expect to hear anything until later in the week. For right now we are just praying that our food will mulitiply and that nothing happens unexpectantly before he finds a job and gets paid. So, please keep that in your prayers.

In other news...I finally applied for a job! Go me!!! I should hear something next week about that as well. Now, I just have to go get my own bank account, National Security Number, and I should be good to go!

And!!! Eighty-Eight days before my mother and sister come!!!! I am so excited! It is going to be a lovely time.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

The loveliness of Oxford

Oxford. The city where many amazing people went to college, taught, thought, wrote, and just lived. The city that is so old and so full of history that you can feel yourself getting smarter as you walk through the streets and hallways that so many great people before you have gone.

This was the one trip that Donovan was looking forward to the most. Mainly because J.R.R. Tolkien went to school here, taught here and lived here. He also wrote Lord of the Rings here. Pretty much every moment of the two days I would catch Donovan with a huge smile on his face. Oxford is also the home of the Blackwell's bookstore. It is the largest bookstore in the English speaking world. The basement floor has 3 miles of shelving and there is no fiction on that floor. The bookstore itself is 4 floors. But, the basement was the best part. So seemed like it went on forever! The top floor is the rare books and used books, Donovan found some treasures up there.

We pretty much spent the entire time going into buildings from the 1200's-1500's, going into bookstores (Donovan bought a book of poetry by Tennyson) and of course, we couldn't go to Oxford without going to "The Eagle and Child" The pub where The Inklings (J.R.R.Tolkien, C.S.Lewis and other writers) would sit, smoke their pipes, drink a pint and chat about thier books.

My favourite part of the trip was going for high tea at "The Grand Cafe" The first coffee shop in England. Built in 1650.We had scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream, the greatest thing ever, and of course tea!

Everything in Oxford is old and oozing knowledge from every corner. We felt our I.Q.'s go up within seconds. We loved it so much and are planning on going back many times throughout our time here in England.

To experience more of our trip go on over to Facebook and take a look at out pictures.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Spring, Spring, Spring!!

Donovan's Easter break starts tomorrow and we can't wait! These last two weeks have been really hard on Donovan. He was switched to a different classroom without any plans for two weeks and since the kids have been having a different teacher every term since September they don't even know what they are supposed to do. So, he is very glad that as of 3pm tomorrow he is done! Now, they are trying to create a position for him for after the break but if that doesn't work he will be Supply teaching in Northampton (Substitute Teaching). Then in June he will be going to Bedford for a day of Interviews for September and of course his agent is already looking for him in other places as well.
Nothing for me yet...still looking though!

Yesterday it was a beautiful day of 21 degrees! So beautiful and today it is 16 at the moment. I already went for a walk and enjoyed the birds chirping the wind blowing through my hair and the warm sun beating on my face. I have heard that this is not normal Britian weather and to enjoy this while I can. So, I shall!

Well, that is that for now.


Friday, 1 April 2011

It's been a good week.


It has been a good week! Yay. On Monday I was determined to get a haircut, a little scared but I made myself do it. So, on Tuesday I went next door and made an appointment and said "I don't care who it is with they just need to know how to cut curly hair." The girl said "yeah, yeah, for sure". I was a little worried but stayed calm. The next day at 12:55 I walked over and was greeted by name, they got me a cup of tea and then to my surprise a guy walks in and tells me to come sit down and asked what I was thinking. I was honest and thorough. I told him what I liked and what my old stylist did (I still love you Johanna!) I was also very honest and told him that I was terrified and he asked why and I told him that I don't do well with new people cutting my hair because they have messed up like ever time (Except for Barbi and Johanna.) He just said "Bless your heart" and yeah. I am going to make it curly today (he straightened it and it still looked great yesterday so I left it.) so we will see how that goes!

Also on Monday Donovan got an amazing review from everyone at the school. There was a meeting after school for the English department and in the minutes they put that they loved Donovan and would like to keep him on if they possibly could. Then on Wednesday one of the teachers when to the Head Teacher (Principle) for a meeting to tell him that she HAS to keep Donovan. That was awesome.

Yesterday the English Department was going out for supper and drinks at a pub and they invited me! So, I got to meet people and they sang Donovan's praises. It was so sweet. I think they liked me as well.

Today I am going to clean the flat and plan something amazing for supper. I might also get out and go grab some groceries.

God Bless!


Monday, 28 March 2011

Ups and Downs

Good Morning and Hello!

Well, let us see what is new...last weekend we had an awesome Saturday of walking around town popping into different vintage shops and such, then we went to a craft store where I bought some cross-stitching projects. We also went shopping and I bought an adorable spring skirt and shirt.The weather has been incredible! We are so spoiled. I have been praying for the Springness to go towards Canada.

This past week has been full of ups and downs.  Things are slowly getting decided with Donovan's job. Baiscly on Friday Donovan found out that the teacher that he was filling in for who was supposed to be back after the April break and coming in the last week to slowly be taking over is back officially tomorrow. Donovan was put into a classroom of a teacher who left right after the February break. He was told this halfway through block two on Friday, he didn't get a chance to tell most of his students and he had no idea what he was doing this morning. So, lots of prayers please! We aren't worried about what will happen after April, he will either stay on at Weston Favell filling in for teachers here and there or he will get another job. His agent is looking for him. It is in God's hands and we aren't worrying about it. :)

I have been trying to keep myself busy with housework and baking. It is starting to get a little boring...but as I have said before, this is really good for me. :) I now have all of my references in place so I have officially started looking for jobs! Go me! :) I am just looking at being a supply TA (substitute TA). I really only want to work like 3 days a week, so that would be perfect. Still enough time to enjoy being at home and keeping this clean, but getting out and interacting with people!

This past weekend we went to get Donovan a haircut and the person was rushing and she buzzed his head. I was not a very happy wife when I saw cuts only suit some people, Donovan is not one of those people! I am just very happy that his hair grows quickly and next time I will watch her like a hawk! We also went for coffee, played a roaring game of which I slaughtered Donovan. It was great fun. :) It was daylight savings time and we had found a church we were going to try out....but....unfortunatly we slept through the alarm. Oooops! Next week. Anyways, that is life!

Monday, 14 March 2011

It will be a good day....

Hello! Not much is new. It is officially Spring. The weekend was so beautiful! It was supposed to be rainy and cold but it was warm and sunny! We went for a walk both days (in sweaters) and enjoyed it so much! We didn't go to church again. We slept in again. We are find the worship and message really great but unfortunatly there aren't a lot of people our age there. It goes till about 21 then skips till about 30ish. We don't mind hanging out with people in those ages...but everyone up till 21 are single and everyone in their 30's are with kids or single. (People get married a lot later here). So, yeah. We are praying about trying a couple different churches.

The good news! I got to talk to my mom, dad, sister, sis-in-law (both of them!) and niece and 3 nephews on Saturday! It was grand. The connection wasn't the best at my parents...but I got to hear voices and see beautiful faces! It was so wonderful. Those moments on Skype are so important to me. All of my friends should get Skype and add me so that we can chat. :) I'd love that so much.

Anyways, as always I am determined to make this week a wonderful one. I am off to the post office this morning to get stamps and find somewhere to cut my hair. Monday is laundry day. So, off I go! God Bless your week!!!!


Monday, 7 March 2011

Olive Oil and Spring Time!

Well, it is another week! Donovan and I had a delightful weekend (I love weekends with my sweetie!) We hung around the flat, went for a walk in the rain to Tesco and grabbed some groceries, I had a Skype date with my amazing sister-in-law Sarah, we slept in on Sunday and missed the bus to church (ooooops), made pancakes, watched "The Tudors" and just had a wonderful weekend!

Last week I buckled down and got my eyebrows waxed (so over due) and I finally talked to a human being. I have never enjoyed laying down on that table and being plucked at so much! I don't think I have talked that much in 20 minutes either. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to a woman around the same age. I also finished typing up my CV (resume) and now I just have to get it printed off and actually go and apply for some jobs! I am praying for courage for this. A little nervous, but I know that God has a job in store for me and it is in His hands.

This past week Donovan and I have started a Bible Study on the Book of James that we do in the mornings and the second study was on James 1:5-8 and it is talking about asking God for wisdom in all occasions and in all decisions, not just the ones that are hard, but in all. So, I am asking for wisdom in how to spend my days. Instead of doing the bare minimum to make me feel not guilty for not getting anything done, when there  really is so much more to do, I am taking it to the next level. I am going to start back up with my Yoga, I plan on taking a walk every day, keep this house clean, not just presentable. I want to find that joyful Beth again. Not the one who takes a look at a bottle of Olive Oil and starts crying because it is the same Olive Oil I used at home, or other sappy things like that. Sappy is good....but not for every second of every day. This is pretty much just me rambling...but it makes sense to me! :) It is all part of the crazy journey that God has mapped out for me.

We still don't know what school Donovan is going to be at in April, so please keep praying for us in that. We are hoping it is going to be in Northampton still because our lease isn't up until June. So, as always, your prayers are much appreicated!!!

The other wonderful thing is...(and I won't elborate too much...) Spring is here! We saw Pussy Willow's the other day! The birds are chirping even more and there are buds on the trees! But, I'm going to stop because I don't want to be shot in my sleep...but it I was it would mean that people were coming over here to see me! lol. Thats me, Miss Positivity!

Love you all very much.

Monday, 28 February 2011

A Mid-February Night Dream

Hello! Sorry, it has been awhile since a update has come. Well, life isn't much different except that I have a different attitude than the one I have had the last two weeks. A better one. Go me.

Donovan just finished a week off of work and it was so nice to spend time together, we snuggled, watched lots of tv, lots of sightseeing, drinking of coffee, and just enjoying each others company. Stratford-upon-Avon was incredible! Except for the modern conveniences it feels like this awesome little old fashioned town. The buildings are the same from when Shakespeare lived there and it just has a wonderful feeling about it. I loved the fact that you could walk the entire town in about 20 minutes. People were friendlier there, the air smelt better, the air was clearer, all in all. I'm in love with Shakespeare's town. I had done a paper on William Shakespeare in grade 12 and I thought I had learned everything I could...but I learned so much more! He led a fascinating life. It was also absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. Our Anniversary was wonderful. Besides the fact that Donovan was sick, we spent the day sightseeing then after lunch went back to the B&B and rested then we went for a nice supper and went to Starbucks where I read and Donovan presented me with a Shakespearean Love Sonnet for our Anniversary. I have his permission to share it with you all so I'll tack it on to the end of this.

We are both doing well, a couple of weeks of me being sick, Donovan being sick, me being sick, Donovan being get the picture. I think we are both finally on the mend and doing much better. Donovan is unsure what this next semester is going to bring since as of this morning when he headed off he had no idea what he was supposed to do for most of his classes. From what we can gather from some people that is not normal. Teaching is different over here, but it isn't supposed to be that different.

I am getting a better attitude about being home alone everyday. Sometimes I let it consume in a bad way and I get all cranky and depressed...but no more. I am getting back in the routine of my devotion and that is that!

Here is the Love Sonnet.

And so it is, we two for two years wed.
Two years ago, this day, we spoke our vow
That we, though two, as one, one path would tread.
And we as one, have walked from then till now.

On that sweet day to you I did declare
My heart, my soul, my love, and all in me.
I thanked our God that He, to me, did dare
entrust a gift so great, so heavenly.

And through our years of marriage I hold sure.
From then till now and onward till we've passed
this truth: that which declared by us endure,
this love inside my heart I know will last.

Dear, I was ever lost till you I found
And never free, till you and I were bound.

And yes, I did bawl my eye balls out.

Have a blessed week!