Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Romantic Notions Squashed

Do you remember when you were children and sometimes on the weekend your parents would let you build a fort and sleep in it? Sometimes in your bedroom, sometimes in the living room. I have many good memories based around sleeping in forts. My little brother like sabotaging it and then blaming it on our arthritic dog who couldn't make it up the stairs if it was the last thing he did. "Shep did it" is still an excuse that is brought up every once and awhile in our family. I also wondered as a child why we weren't allowed to do that every weekend. Why did Dad only mention it like once every six months and why did Mama never want to sleep with us? I am now almost 26 and I finally get it! Sleeping on the floor is not all that romantic! Beds were made for a reason.

When we looked at this place and found out that it was furnished I was so stoked! A bed frame! I was a little disappointed to discover that every time you move, even the tiniest bit, it squeaked. So, last Saturday Donovan decided to tighten it he took the mattresses off and proceeded to work on it. About an hour later he comes to me and asks me to look at the mattress (The landlady left one mattress here and we bought one) I was very saddened to discover that the entire bottom of the mattress is covered in mold. I was thoroughly grossed out and insisted that I was never sleeping on that again. So, we have been camping out in the living room. Our very tiny living room. We are finally getting rid of the mattress today, so now I just have to start looking into getting a new one and if someone can deliver it.

Another romantic notion that I have always found and was always so excited for was church bells. I love church bells! The first time we heard them being over here was in Stratford-Upon-Avon and it was a foggy winter morning and we were looking over the river Avon and it was so beautiful and the bells rang. It was so perfect and extremely beautiful. Other times have just been so beautiful. Now, before you hear my rant to come....remember, I still love church bells, there is something haunting about them and so beautiful. Now, that saying...I do not like church bells when they are being practiced. Especially at night. Last night around 7:30 the bells started...I looked at Donovan and asked "Is there a fire?" "No" Donovan replied "I think the Vikings are invading." After about 1/2 an hour of  ringing and all sorts of rings, I decided that it was probably someone just practicing. At 9:15 and we were getting ready to go to sleep...I decided I didn't like them anymore.

I still love bells...just not late at night and constantly ringing. I kept waking up thinking I heard the bells. I have bells stuck in my head all the time. I feel like Kirk in Gilmore Girls "I can't tell which are the real bells and which are the Kirk bells."

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